Course Syllabus

ACCTG 58A Online Syllabus (4 units) 

Fall 2016 Mission College (section # 49133)

Instructor Information


REQUIRED MEETINGS: This is an online class, with 2 required meetings, no make up meetings possible, plan your calendar accordingly.

  1. ORIENTATION: We will meet on campus for orientation on Saturday, August 27, from 10 am - 12 noon in room GC-320 (Gilmor Center)
  2. FINAL EXAM: In-person final exam on Saturday, December 17, from 10 am - 12 noon in room GC 320

Course Description

Catalog Description: A review of fundamental accounting process, techniques and principles including control and theory of accounting for assets; correction of prior years' earnings; and measurement and determination of income. Current standards and pronouncements are presented.

Expanded Description: Topics covered include review of financial accounting standards, accounting information processing systems and the resulting financial statements (reporting). Other topics relate to inventory, Accounting for PP&E, intangible assets, current liabilities, and long-term liabilities.

Prerequisite: ACCTG 1A; we assume solid understanding of the accounting cycle (review if needed); Advisory: MATH 903

NOTE (S): It is recommended that students have completed the following topics from ACCTG 1B: stockholders’ equity, statement of cash flows, financial statement analysis.

Transfer Credit: CSU.

Student Learning Outcomes

SLO 1: Review the accounting cycle and purpose of financial statements within the context of the conceptual framework of accounting.

Assessment: Complete Reading Checks and exams related to stated outcomes.

Institutional Learning Outcomes: B. Critical Thinking


SLO 2: Using current GAAP pronouncements, analyze balance sheet accounts and apply the GAAP requirements.

Assessment: Participate in classroom discussion.

Institutional Learning Outcomes: B. Critical Thinking


SLO 3: Apply current GAAP measurement and recognition principles to income and expense transactions.

Assessment: Complete term project.
Institutional Learning Outcomes: A. Communication and Information Competency: B. Critical Thinking

Course Outline / Topics

Note: The order of topics are not necessarily in the same sequence as in the textbook. Refer to CLASS CALENDAR (below) for actual coverage sequence and deadlines. Class Calendar always controls all assignments and due dates.

CH 1: The Financial Reporting Environment

CH 2: Financial Reporting Theory

CH 3: Judgment and Applied Financial Accounting Research

CH 4: Review of the Accounting Cycle

>>> Midterm 1 (ch 1-4) <<<

CH 5: Statements of Net Income and Comprehensive Income

CH 6: Statements of Financial Position and Cash Flows and the Annual Report

CH 7: Accounting for the Time Value of Money

>>> Midterm 2 (ch 5-7) <<<

CH 8: Revenue Recognition

CH 9: Short-Term Operating Assets: Cash and Receivables

CH 10: Short-Term Operating Assets: Inventory

>>> Midterm 3 (ch 8-10) <<<

CH 11: Long-Term Operating Assets: Acquisition, Cost Allocation, and Derecognition

CH 12: Long-Term Operating Assets: Departures from Historical Costs

CH 13: Operating Liabilities and Contingencies

>>> FINAL (Comprehensive with respect to theory) <<<

 note: team project also assigned, see below.

Course Type and Canvas Help

This course is conducted fully online, which means you will have work and participate in the course using West-Valley Mission’s course management system called CANVAS ( You will be required to "attend" class several times a week (logins) and actively participate.

To get started with Canvas, refer to Mission College's Help Desk for Canvas. Instructors are not a good source for help with respect to Canvas.




  • EDITION:   1 (16 at Mission College Bookstore)


  • ISBN:   9780134047430

 Purchase Textbook (bundled with MyAccountingLab*) at the Mission College bookstore.

Other Potential purchase options directly from publisher's website. You will only be able to access these options as you register into MAL via the MyLab and Mastering link within our CANVAS site.

Option B: MyAccountingLab (MAL) w/eText, no printed text: Optiona B: $ 145.95 NET

Option C: Stand-alone MyAccountingLab (MAL) without eText nor printed text: $ 79.95 NET

Refer to Screenshot below for a sample image of the screen you will see while you register for the course in MAL.

*The textbook comes packaged with a 16-DIGIT ACCESS CODE you will need to use an online homework and assessment tool called MyAccountingLab (MAL), which is required in our intermediate accounting classes.

The required COURSE KEY has the following navaXXXXX, my last name and 5 digits), which you will use along with the access code to register in our MAL section. The same textbook is used for Actg 58 and 58B. The access code can be re-used for a full year from the time of first use it - do NOT lose it.

REGISTERING into our MyAccountingLab course/section:

  1. Click on MyLab and Mastering Link (left-hand-side navigation panel in our Canvas site)
  2. CLICK on the STUDENT button, under REGISTER
  3. Follow the prompts and enter the information as requested (if you have already created an account previously, you will not need to create a new one for subsequent classes).
  4. ENTER MAL COURSE ID: nava13238 (FALL 2016), where requested in the process
  5. Follow the instructions on subsequent screens. One of those screens will ask you to enter the 16-digit ACCESS CODE that came with your book when you purchased it at our bookstore.
  6. There is a 14-day temporary access option, if you need more time to purchase the textbook/MAL bundle. This temporary access allows you to still register in MAL and not fall behind with the assignments (bottom of screenshot below).


Computer Requirements


If you do not have access to a computer off campus, there are many computer labs on campus you can use to participate in the course. Most public libraries also have computers with internet access that you can use for free.

Computer Requirements

You will need to have an up-to-date browser, operating system and some additional software on your computer to take this class. Check this Distance Education page for hardware & software requirements. Some of the documents in this course will be available to you in PDF form. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer, you can download it by going to We will also be using google-docs and google-spreadsheets, selectively. You may want to get familiar google-docs (if not already) and even get a google-drive (free) to create, store, and share documents.

Course Communication


Announcements will be posted in CANVAS on a regular basis. They will appear on your CANVAS dashboard when you log in and/or will be sent to you directly through your preferred method of notification from CANVAS. Please make certain to check them regularly, as they will contain any important information about upcoming projects, changes to the class/syllabus, or class concerns. Part of your class attendance grade is based on logins (3 logins per week minimum). See grading section below for detail.


In this course we will use the INBOX feature on the help corner (located in the upper right hand navigation links)to send email for private messages. You can either check your messages in the CANVAS system or set your notifications to your preferred method of contact. Please check your messages regularly. When submitting messages, please do the following:

  • Put a subject in the first line of your email subject box that describes the email content with your name, week and message subject. For example: ****YOUR NAME WEEK2 ASSIGNMENT****.
  • Send email only to the INBOX and not my personal email account.
  • Do not send messages asking general information about the class, please post those in the Q& A Forum.
  • Do not submit your assignments by message.
  • Make certain to check your messages frequently, daily is recommended.


In online courses it is normal to have many questions about things that relate to the course, such as clarification about assignments, course materials, or assessments. Please post these in the Q&A Forum which you can access by clicking the MODULES button in the course navigation links. This forum is in the ORIENTATION and CHECK-IN MODULE. This is an open forum, and you are encouraged to give answers and help each other.

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums are a way for you to engage with each other about the course content. Each lesson module will have a question that links to a forum. You can also access each forum by clicking on the MODULES button in the course navigation links and working on your weekly module. In order to get full credit for each discussion, you will need to post a thoughtful, well-written response to the question or respond to your classmates’ questions.

Virtual Office Hours

Use Conversations from your INBOX to ask me questions regarding the class or private questions about your work, grade, etc. You can also use the VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS thread in DISCUSSIONS to ask public questions that relate to the class.


During the week (M-F) I will scan Conversations and Discussion Postings within the currently active module at least once a day. If you have a concern and send me a message, you can expect a response within a day. Note that I am usually much more responsible to Messages in Conversations (inbox) than the standard requirement of 1-2 days.

  • Each week runs from Monday through Friday, with a FRIDAY at NOON cut-off time for posting questions in Private Messages or in Discussion Forums.
  • Instructor and classmates will respond to your questions within 24-48 hours. I respond well within 24 hours to all PM’s and to Discussion forums postings within the required 24-48 hours. DO NOT rely on weekend help, even if most deadlines are set for Saturday at 11:45pm.


When posting on the discussion boards and chat rooms it is important to understand how to interact with one another online, netiquette. You can read more about the rules of netiquette at

Course Participation Policy

Participation is essential to your success in this class. In distance education courses you are required to participate just as if you were in a face-to-face course. This means that in order to get full credit for participation, you will have to complete your discussion assignments, lesson activities and assignments on a timely basis. Consistent failure to participate in class for a total of 1 week's worth of assignments will result in your being dropped from the course.

Course Assignments

Important Dates

The due dates for your assignments can be found in the SYLLABUS-CLASS CALENDAR in the global navigation links on the left-side navigation panel. Please review these. In addition, I will post reminders prior to the due dates in the Announcements

Note: If you click on the assignment from the calendar, you will not be able to access it. You must access your course assignments through the MODULES.

Weekly Assignments

Each week where the course is conducted online you will need to complete the following:

  • Read the weekly module/textbook/other reading material, as assigned. This will be available every Monday at 8 AM PST until the following Sunday at 11:59 PM PST.
  • Complete the lesson assignments in each course lesson by Sunday at 11:59 PM PST.
    • Reading Check (~10 question quiz) in MAL
    • Homework Assignment (e.g. brief exercises, exercises, problems, cases) in MAL
    • Other tasks, as assigned.
  • Post in the weekly Discussion Forum by Thursday at 11:59 PM PST or respond to other students’ posts in the Discussion Forum by the following Sunday at 11:59 PM PST.

Special Projects/Assessments

This course requires a team project. I will post the instructions in Modules, labeling it Team Project Module by the middle of the semester.

Assignment Detailed Descriptions

Reading Checks (quizzes)

The purpose of these assignments is to gauge your reading comprehension for the chapter reading assignments. RC's will be approximately 10-20 questions in length (will vary).  You may take each RC 3 times, and your highest score will be recorded.  Unlimited time in MAL.

Assigned HW

The purpose of these assignments is to check that a minimum amount PROBLEM-SOLVING has been attempted - preferably using a spreadsheet. HW's will be approximately 10-15 exercises/problems from the book.  You may take each RC 3 times, and your highest score will be recorded.  Unlimited time in MAL.


There will 3 midterms (in MAL) and one (1) Final Exam (in MAL)  The purpose of the exams is to verify that you have learned the concepts and calculations (including accounting process) covered during the course;  exam will be cumulative (covering all chapters in the book). The exam will consist of both theory questions and problems. You may take the Final Exam once.  The time limit for the final exam is 120-150 minutes.  

Project (instructions released later in term)

There will be 1 project. It's primary purpose is to offer you the opportunity to collaborate with others in the planning, implementation, and presentation of a deliverable similar to those in the accounting profession. The main objective is on fostering good project management, interpersonal, and communication skills.

Grading Components

Direct Link to Googe-doc:

 Note: use your low score drops strategically for issues related to technology glitches, illness, incidents, etc.

Grading Scale

 Letter Grade





80-89 %


70-79 %




59% and below


In order to understand what is expected of you for each assignment, please check out the rubric -- a table that details the requirements of each assignment and the benchmarks for success -- attached to each Assignment for the grading criteria.


You can view your grades using the GRADES button in the course navigation links. Please check your grades regularly to make certain that I have received all your assignments. If you have a question about a grade, email me through the CANVAS INBOX. Please do not post your personal concerns in a discussion forum.

Other Course Policies

Late work

Late work will not be accepted. Assignments will not be available after the deadline. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please contact me by private message before the assignment is due to make alternate arrangements. Whenever an exception to the "no late work" occurs, a late penalty will apply. Remember that the class allows for dropping a few low scores, use these drops strategically (i.e. getting sick, technical issues with computer/internet, travel, work, etc.)


In order to avoid getting an F for the course, it is your responsibility to officially withdraw from the class prior to the deadline.

If you do not complete the course Check-In Activity by the first Wednesday (11:59 PM PST) after this class begins, you will be dropped from class for non-attendance.

If you do not actively participate in class, that is, if you consistently do not complete assignments, assessments (reading checks, homework), respond to forums or turn in other work for the total of 1 week's worth of assignments, you will be dropped from the class for non-participation.

Note that you can DROP (without a "W") or WITHDRAW (with "W") by certain deadlines. Check the college website for specific dates. If you do not withdraw properly/officially from the class via your portal or in person, you will receive whatever grade you earned (usually not a good grade). It is fully your responsibility to drop/withdraw from the class.

Academic Honesty/Student Conduct

As a student at Mission College, you are expected to follow the College’s guidelines for Academic Honesty/Student Conduct found in the Mission College Academic Regulations and Policies. This means that you should not:

  • Cheat.
  • Plagiarize, that is, use another person’s words or ideas as your own without proper documentation.
  • Collaborate with others unless specifically requested in an assignment or discussion.
  • Let another student login to your CANVAS account.

Failure to follow this policy will result in disciplinary action which can affect your academic standing in the College.

Special Needs

Online courses are required to meet ADA accessibility guidelines. This means that all aspects of the online learning experience are accessible. Please let me know if you have adaptive software and hardware to assist you with taking this course or if you have any specific needs I should be aware of. The Mission College DSPS (Campus Center 240) is available to assist you during this course.  

Additional Resources

Tech Support and Distance Education Help

 If you need technical assistance at any time, you can contact Mission College Help Desk as shown at 

Additional Student Resources

There are many services on campus to help you achieve success in your courses. Check out this Student Services Link for information on library services, computer lab hours and research help.


Class Calendar

While I will try diligently to follow this schedule, I reserve the right to amend this schedule at any time during the course based on the needs, interests and progress of the class, and students are responsible for changes announced in CANVAS. 

Direct Link to Googe-doc:


Important Notes 

*Team Work (if applicable):

Primarily for the Project, however, you can team up with classmates for Reading Check’s and HW’s. No Team work on Exams or as otherwise announced.


Note on Class Calendar: The class calendar controls the timing, submission location, and other logistics for the graded components. The class calendar also lists the assigned hw items. The class calendar overrides any due dates shown in any other part of the class.


Note on Point-System: The point system above works well most of the time, in capturing the true performance of students.  Sometimes, however, it does not.  In such cases, I reserve the right to adjust your scores, based on my judgment, to reflect what we believe is an appropriate final grade – one that represents to 4-yr schools and potential employers your true learning from this class.


NOTE on “bump-ups” to final grade: NO “bump-ups” to the next grade level will be made without evidence that supports such an action on my part – no matter how close you are to the next grade level. Support for “bump-up” purposes is appropriate performance on final exam and exceptional class participation (substantive, non-trivial postings in chapter discussion forums) beyond any minimum required. “Exceptional” participation would probably fall in the range of 3 postings or more per chapter per week or approximately a minimum total postings of 36 (or more, depending on substance of your postings - my judgment).


Declaration Statement, Responsibilities, and Philosophy

By staying in the class, you agree to the terms of this class and the related requirements. If after the class has started, changes to the class syllabus occur, they will be announced for your comments and feedback, before they become effective. 


Enrolling in this online course is a COMMITMENT.  It is your obligation to manage your commitments responsibly.  Please make sure that you can fully meet the responsibilities of this course before you commit to enrolling in the course.  If you are unable to fully meet these requirements, please consider not enrolling in this course this term. Sometimes, we are too busy already and may overcommit.  

By enrolling in this class, you agree:

      1. To uphold the standards of academic integrity as maintained by Mission College
      2. To read, fully understand, and abide by the Class Syllabus.
      3. To reserve an average of 15 hours per week to spend on reading, studying and homework assignments.
      4. To login to the Course Shell frequently each week (preferably daily) to read all  class announcements, class postings, and private messages, so that you can stay up-to-date with class information
      5. To complete assignments and quizzes on-time per due dates in the Class Calendar
      6. To review your course points in the course Grade Book regularly throughout the term and contact me immediately if you identify an error or have questions regarding your grade
      7. To use PRIVATE MESSAGING in CANVAS (inbox) to communicate with your instructor.  Do NOT use email.
      8. That it is YOUR responsibility to drop this class if it becomes necessary to do so
      9. To respond to communications from the instructor (me) and your fellow students in a timely manner.  Please make every effort to respond to communications within 24 hours or less
      10. To stay active and engaged in class and to HAVE FUN while doing so

NOTE: Stay active in class: By State Law, students who are “inactive” in an online class are subject to being dropped from the class by the end of the 8th week (about 4th week of summer session) of the semester (REFER to college website for specific dates and deadlines). Inactivity is defined as not attend (log into CANVAS) or not submission of assignments for 7 consecutive days.


This class is a community.  We all have the same objective:  TO LEARN - in addition, mine is to certify that the grade YOU EARN represents your true learning, as accurately as possible. Employers, transfer institutions, and the community expects us to measure your learning honestly.

To do so, in this class we will engage in multiple approaches to learning (and sharing knowledge) including cooperative learning (interacting with each other to maximize learning opportunities), active learning (active engagement in discrete learning activities like reading, problem-solving and discussion), and experiential learning (“learning by doing”).  

This class also places great emphasis on teamwork and active communication in class; as you enter (or return to) the business world, you will realize that being able to productively work in teams and clearly communicate with others are “worth their weight in gold.”  

Finally, I want to encourage you to have fun and enjoy this class experience -- it is going to be a lot of work but also a  lot of fun!!!



Course Summary:

Date Details Due